7 Powerful Tools Singers Are Using at AoV To Reach Their Singing Goals
An Online Voice Studio? How is THAT supposed to work? How effective can that be, taking lessons over the internet? A lot of people are surprised that they can meet their vocal goals at such affordable rates (packages start at $20/month) with an onl

May 14, 2018

An Online Voice Studio? How is THAT supposed to work? How effective can that be, taking lessons over the internet? A lot of people are surprised that they can meet their vocal goals at such affordable rates (packages start at $20/month) with an online program.
How is it possible that a singer could get such fantastic results at just a fraction of a cost of live in-studio lessons? I know it sounds crazy, but it does work, because we have some very powerful, cutting-edge tools at our disposal here at the Academy of Voice:
1. The Voicessment
This easy, free 20-minute voice test is self-assessed and captures your baseline. You answer some questions about your vocal background and goals, sing along with some easy voice coaching videos, and report the codes you see when you reach specific points in your voice. You answer a few more questions and you’re done. Even complete beginners have proven to get accurate results!
2. The Vocal Profile Report
This report is something that entertainment lawyers and agents pay me to create for their clients to understand the potential of a voice. Now you can get this information about your own voice for FREE at AoV! As far as I know, nothing else like this exists on the Web anywhere and definitely not for free… this is a really huge giveaway but I really want to help people get started training their voices, and understanding your baseline is the best place to start that process.
3. Custom-Fit Vocal Training Exercises
These exercises are tailored for each student depending on your vocal profile. They will all start out where it feels easiest in your range and then take you to the edge in a sequence that optimizes your practice time and challenges your voice to give you the best results. As your range expands with training, and you take more Voicessments, your exercises grow with you and continue to challenge your voice to keep growing.
4. VTrain Vocal Training Practice System
You can take this app anywhere and use it on just about any device. It’s basically a practice folder that lives in your phone, tablet or computer. For each set of exercises there are slides with text, graphics, videos, and drawings to help take you through your practice in the correct order without forgetting anything. Included in the VTrain App is a repertory area where you can add songs with lyrics and audio tracks to sing with so you can warm up, train, practice your songs, and do cool down all in one convenient practice anywhere and at anytime.
5. Video Voice Lessons
My 8 week course Foundations in Vocal Training is a powerful set of videos (12 hours total) full of teaching, demos, graphics, and audio. You will learn all of the inside secrets of all of the exercises as we build our vocal training routine from the ground up. Starting with intro videos that build your understanding of how your voice works, the course will take you through to all the advanced techniques and exercises you need to train your voice. There are also more exercises and videos in production now for a second course that will take us into more advanced material very soon.
6. On-Track Calls
Just because you’re my online student doesn’t mean we can’t talk. I am so excited to meet on weekly and monthly calls with my students from wherever they are in the world. I love teaching and I love being there for anyone who wants to seriously train his or her voice with my system. I’m also available via live chat at our site most business hours EST. Hit me up and say hi!
7. Coaching Packages
My online students also have access to working with me, live on skype or remotely with recordings. I’m dedicated to helping my students achieve their vocal goals anywhere they go and whatever they’re working on.