The Shortest Path to a Strong, Healthy and Beautiful Voice
One expert vocal coach and her team at the Academy of Voice are currently working away to develop the best Vocal Training System ever. Hundreds of active subscribers are already convinced. So who is this vocal training coach, and what is she doing so right?

May 18, 2018

Dr. Emily Anna Bridges is the Founder and Creator of the Academy of Voice, the world’s first Online Custom-Fit Vocal Training Studio. Dr. Bridges has a non-traditional background for a voice teacher - She studied voice with opera singers in the US and Europe, worked for 8 years as a scientific researcher in both Harvard and UPenn medical laboratories, and earned her doctorate in Music Composition. As a composer who focuses on vocal music, she has composed large works for choir, orchestra, and chamber ensembles. Dr. Bridges has spent more than a decade teaching voice and coaching students at her Philadelphia studio, where she developed a unique data-driven method based on classical vocal training that maximizes results by composing custom-fit vocal exercises for each student’s voice.
Aside from seeing how many areas of expertise she could fit into one career, there is a more serious aim for Dr. Bridges: To tailor vocal training that gets you singing the music you love with a stronger, healthier, and more beautiful voice as quickly as possible --- so quickly, in fact, that even beginners just starting out with untrained voices can obtain significant results in only 6-8 weeks of vocal training, equivalent to results you could see from training live at a conservatory for the same amount of time.
1. Our Voice Expert tailors exercises for your vocal range and experience level
The VTrain app is available in male and female versions, and features vocal exercises custom-fit to each individual voice’s range and experience level. Each voice is unique, and has different areas of vocal range that are comfortable or uncomfortable to sing. Vocal exercises must start out comfortably so that you can find the notes and get started singing the exercise, which must also must extend into a less comfortable areas of your voice in order to get you the best results.
Every vocal exercise is generated with your unique vocal range and experience level at the center of the program. We know you’ve already developed your voice successfully enough to speak and maybe even sing at a high level already, so your training materials help you build your voice from whatever level you are starting out from.
Answer some easy questions, sing along with a few videos, and our Voicessment technology will produce a detailed, customized Vocal Profile Report for you to show you your baseline, your range, your vocal quality and goals. And it's FREE! Click here to start your free Voicessment now, no strings attached. If you enjoy the voice test and the free report, you'll have access to upgrading your account for Voice Lessons, VTrain, and more.
2. She designs her course to get you singing with a strong, healthy, and beautiful voice as soon as possible
You’ve all probably seen comedic sketches of singers making silly noises, singing repetitive scales, or doing something else that seemed very unlikely to help anyone make much progress with actual singing. It’s easy to laugh at these comedic sketches because it’s true - much of what voice teachers prescribe for “warm ups” or training is ineffective. Many singers use these exercises over and over again, and never see much benefit from their efforts.
At the Academy of Voice, we believe that if you’re going to spend time training your voice, every moment should be packed with multiple levels of challenge that will help you achieve your vocal goals as quickly and efficiently as possible. It’s also a lot more engaging and fun to do exercises that require focus on multiple elements at once --- and see your efforts paying off - rather than doing the same things mindlessly over and over, expecting it to help you grow your sound. After just a few weeks of lessons, you will already know how to find your ideal singing posture, be working toward a significant expansion of your breathing, and getting the larynx adducted for increased vocal stability, intensity and health. You will understand your vocal anatomy and what makes a good singer, and you’ll be on your way to achieving your vocal goals. If that sounds good to you, you can get started here right now. Get your baseline and free vocal report and you could be enrolled in lessons as soon as today.
3. She makes courses that fit snugly into your schedule
The most common excuse we hear for not learning to train the voice is: “not enough time.”
People are busy nowadays. We know your schedule is filled up like a Tetris game. You probably need some “me time…” Consider using that time to indulge in developing your voice. Indulge in an hour-long voice lesson once a week away from the rest of your busy life, and spend just 10-25 minutes most days training your voice and feeling it grow with each session. Your training app goes with you wherever you are, so you can train at the office, in the car, or anywhere else your busy life takes you.
4. She’s an innovator who makes continuous improvements
The Academy of Voice isn’t a book you buy and read (or ignore), and you don’t need to wait for the next edition for updates or improvements. Your vocal training exercises will grow along with your voice as you check your baseline along the way, so training with AoV will continue to help you grow, even as you make huge strides with your voice. The courses are also constantly growing and being added to as our singers express an interest in new subjects. One exciting area we are working on right now, for instance, is bringing custom-fit repertory to AoV - using your Vocal Profile information to help inform you what songs will fit your range.
When we notice that our singers are having problems at a particular juncture, we work to make it more understandable. If you have ideas and desires for the lessons, practice sessions, or voice tests, you can email us at any time and know that all of those requests filter through to Dr. Bridges, who will consider and implement them.
5. She makes courses that are fun and easy
We’re all capable of training our voices, but we often go about it the wrong way, chasing down ineffective one-size-fits-all exercises or spending lesson after lesson with teachers that just want to see us come back to fill the studio, never allowing us to grow and become independent with a sense of ownership over our own development. The key to awesome vocal training is using robust exercises with many levels of focus --- exercises that encourage us to juggle multiple elements of singing at once. But an even deeper secret that makes her teaching system truly rock, is that Dr. Bridges has developed a way to teach this multilayered approach in tiny, incremental steps that anyone can learn. AoV offers you a system to easily and methodically learn each layer of the training exercises, engaging your listening, speaking, and singing skills. The timely introduction and repetition of these new vocal training skills ensures you make sustained, significant progress without ever feeling overwhelmed.